Friday, January 29, 2010
So we were supposed to have already had our appraisal and inspection on the house, but the lock box went missing, and apparently it takes FIVE days to replace. Anyway, we're finally getting back on track, and have the inspection today. We've been this far on a house before and had it all go to hell, so I won't believe it's ours until we clear these last hurdles. I'm sort of dreading this. In better news, tonight some fabulous ladies from BB's office are throwing us a co-ed baby shower! How sweet!! The past four years of working from home have rendered me socially awkward at best and socially inept at worst, so these kind of things make me nervous. I haven't really missed alcohol since I've been pregnant, but a drink would be good tonight. I know these are truly good people, though, and that might loosen me up a bit. Here's to them!
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